Terms of use
Company identification :
SEML Saint-Jean Activités, a local semi-public company with capital of 240,000 euros, registered with the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés under number 391 750 528, headquartered at Palais des Congrès, 67 esplanade de la mer, BP 207, 85162 Saint-Jean-de-Monts Cedex.
Prefectoral authorization no. AU.085.95.0003.
Entertainment contractor's license: n°1-110709.
Venue operator's license - Salle des Mouettes - Odysséa: n°1-147288.
Venue operator's license - Auditorium - Odysséa: n°1-119035.
Licence d'entrepreneur de tournée - diffuseur de spectacles: n°3-147289.
Phone number: 33 (0)2 51 59 87 90
Publishing Director: Philippe Le Duault
The site is hosted by WIX :
Wix.com Inc.
Address: 500 Terry A François Blvd San Francisco, CA 94158
Phone number: +1 415-639-9034.
The site is hosted by PARTNERTALENT for the online booking pages (https://www.partnertalent.fr/).
Conception and design by Philippe Le Duault and Margaux Bardon.
Editorial manager :
SEML Saint Jean Activités
67 esplanade de la mer - BP 207
Photo credits :
SEML Saint Jean Activités
© Phot'eau 85 (https://www.facebook.com/photeau85)
Margaux Bardon
Chloé Gelle
Michel Arnaud
Florian Peroud
Matthieu Cantin
Office de Tourisme Intercommunal du Pays de Saint Jean de Monts
Chloé Brelet
Valérie Glotin
Alice de Bonnechose
Aurélien Curtet
Ligue de voile des Pays de la Loire
Video credits :
Michel Arnaud
Margaux Bardon
Technical production :
Website created by SEML Saint Jean Activités on the cloud-based web development platform “Wix.com”: https://fr.wix.com/
Awoo Reservation Software: Online Sales, Ticketing
Data processing and protection :
- The personal data collected on the site results from the voluntary communication of an e-mail address when sending a form. E-mail addresses collected in this way are only used to transmit the information requested.
- The e-mail addresses collected will not be transferred to third parties or processed in any way by la Base Nautique de Saint-Jean-de-Monts.
La Base Nautique de Saint-Jean-de-Monts does not use automated data collection processes (cookies, java applets or active X).
- Personal data is collected in compliance with the provisions of Law No. 78-87 of January 6, 1978 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (“RGPD”).
When using the site, the following data may be collected, such as:
- the URL of the links through which the user accessed the labasenautique.fr site,
- the user's access provider,
- the user's Internet Protocol (IP) address.
Other personal data may be collected for the purposes of certain services, and are subject to information in compliance with the European “RGDP” regulation.
Users have the right to information, access, rectification, erasure, opposition, limitation of processing, notification, portability, not to be profiled (subject to exceptions art 22 RGPD).
If you have any questions about the legal notice or the protection of personal data, or if you wish to exercise your rights regarding your personal data, you can contact the nautical base by sending a signed letter accompanied by a copy of an identity document to the following address:
SEML Saint Jean Activités
For the attention of Service Numérique
67 Esplanade de la mer
85160 Saint Jean De Monts
Cross linking :
- Link from third-party sites to www.labasenautique.fr authorizes the creation of a hypertext link from any Internet site, excluding those disseminating information of a controversial, pornographic or xenophobic nature, or which may, to a greater extent, offend the sensibilities of the general public.
The link must lead to the site's home page, and the site must appear in a new window. Site pages must not be integrated into the pages of another site (frame or iframe). Unless specific authorization is granted on a case-by-case basis, deep linking is totally forbidden.
In all cases, la Base Nautique de Saint-Jean-de-Monts reserves the right to request the removal of a link if it considers that the referent (source site) does not comply with the rules thus defined.
- Links from www.labasenautique.fr to third-party sites
La Base Nautique de Saint-Jean-de-Monts reserves the right to “point” to third-party sites. If you access these links, you will leave the Base Nautique de Saint-Jean-de-Monts website. The linked sites are not under the control of la Base Nautique de Saint-Jean-de-Monts, and la Base Nautique de Saint-Jean-de-Monts is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites.
Copyright and usage rights :
- Legal information:
Access to the site does not give the right to use it without the agreement of Base Nautique de Saint-Jean-de-Monts. Any use of the resources (photographic, iconographic, textual or relating to the form, layout, structure...) present on this site must be the subject of a prior request to the Base Nautique de Saint-Jean-de-Monts.
Primarily, Base Nautique de Saint-Jean-de-Monts grants permission to view the content of the site.
- Liability :
La Base Nautique de Saint-Jean-de-Monts makes every effort to ensure that the information provided is accurate, but cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness.
La Base Nautique de Saint-Jean-de-Monts reserves the right to modify all or part of the information contained in the pages of this website at any time and without prior notice.
- Tide times :
Vignette de marées du SHOM pour Fromentine Embarcadère (FROMENTINE_EMBARCADERE) France - provided by SHOM.
- Weather :
Météo France vignette for Saint-Jean-de-Monts - supplied by Météo France.